Re-declaring focus on sleep and rest+Comments

start going to sleep at 8:00 pm and you will likely have a wondrous experience. tips: don't look at computer screens past 7:00 pm. when you find that you wake around midnight, this is normal--not insomnia. read by a dim light for about an hour (not a computer--bright light, and even more so light sources with a higher percentage of blue spectrum light such as lcd displays, suppress melatonin production by the pineal gland via photosensitive ganglion cells in the retina--iow this will fuck-up your sleep) and then turn the dim light off and close your eyes again. i tend to wake around 5:00 am after my second sleep more amazingly refreshed than a night of uninterrupted sleep beginning around 10:00 pm.


you will need to sacrifice evening social activities to adhere to this sleep pattern. and the value-add to your life in terms of a higher level of daytime awakeness and more effective bodily healing is an acceptable trade-off, imho. my evil plan is to convert everyone to this sleep pattern and thus regain the lost social opportunities.


fyi, this type of segmented sleep is referred to as a bimodal sleep pattern. this was the dominant sleep pattern of pre-industrial (pre-indoor lighting) society.


if you are wondering who wrote this ask Tree.



in love,


  --Anonymous (Not signed in).....Wed Jan 11 08:27:24 -0800 2012